Hanno detto sulle lezioni di Tango di Lidia Ferrari:
Comentarios sobre nuestras clases de los alumnos:
»Jane Yardley, London, England - 2004
Tango lessons with Lidia Ferrari were a truly delightful experience. Lidia has every quality that defines a good and effective teacher: knowledge, patience, clarity, skill and passionate enthusiasm. She is also a delightful individual in her own right. I recommend her studio to dancers at all stages, from absolute beginner to experienced dancers who want to polish their tango skills."
»Betty Yardley, Norfolk, England 2004
"I had a good grounding in ballroom dancing but had never danced tango. With Lidia's excellent teaching technique I was able to adapt quickly and master the basics with no stress - and a lot of fun."
»Bill & Bonnie Burns - Fresno, California USA - (september 2005)
During a recent visit to Buenos Aires, my wife and I too instruction from Lidia and were exceptionally pleased with the results. We helped us to resolve an on-going problem and then ensured that the correction became instinctive. We enjoy her practical approach and highly recommend her instruction to others!
»Derrick del Pilar, (Student of Arizona University). Tucson, Arizona, USA - 2006
In the group classes that I took with Lidia Ferrari, she was always very attentive to the needs of students, giving each of us different tips based on what we needed to improve. She made sure that everyone worked on the fundamentals of good tango--balance, posture, walk, and musicality--while also enjoying the dance. During private lessons, she gave carefully considered individual instruction that helped me improve my ability to improvise, connect with my dance partners, and express the music in creative ways. Lidia is an excellent teacher of social tango as it is danced in Buenos Aires.
» Derrick del Pilar: Nas aulas grupais que eu tinha com Lidia Ferrari, e la sempre dava muita atenção às necesidades dos alunos, e dava para cada um da gente conselhos diferentes, baseados nas coisa que tinhamos que melhorar. Asegurava que todos trabalhassemos o fundamental de um bom tango--balanço, postura, caminhata, e musicalidade--enquanto curtiamos da dança.Durante as aulas particulares, me dava instrução individual com muito esmero. Me ajudava muito em melhorar minhas habilidades de improvisação, conexão com a mulher no abraço, e expressão da música. Lidia é uma professora ótimo para aprender o tango social de Buenos Aires.
» Sonia Alvarado, Los Angeles, California - (26-12-2006)
I recently went to Buenos Aires on vacation and to learn tango. I researched dance instructors online prior to getting there and sent out a dozen e-mails inquiring about prices and availability. I picked Lidia because I liked her intuitiveness in her reply to my e-mail and her price was extremely reasonable. My two travel companions and I were very happy with my choice. She really took the time to teach us the proper form and balance which is a great foundation to start with (there are lots of people on the dance floor looking sloppy). She catered the classes to meet our needs and ability. She was also flexible with the schedule. We took classes every day and really enjoyed the experience. It was definitely one of the big highlights of the trip. By the end of our 10-day stay, we were feeling pretty good about our dancing. Not only is Lidia a good teacher, but she is a delightful person who we really enjoyed meeting and spending time with. Her assistants are also great and she made sure we always had someone to dance with in class. I highly recommend her.
» Kathleen Larkey - Vancouver, Canada - 2007
"Although just a beginner at learning tango, my private lessons with Lidia Ferrari helped me to really improve after only one week. She has a friendly personality and was very patient and encouraging.
I am looking forward to returning to Buenos Aires and more lessons with Lidia!"
» LK Barr - President, Barr Construction Inc. - Twain Harte, CA, Haapiti Moorea, Polynesie Francaise. 5/2007
"Lidia did an excellent job of giving me private tango lessons and helped me get the basics down quickly.
She understand the psychology of this splendid dance.
Her assistants were very good as well, in particular Lucia who seemed to dance like an angle.
I would recommend Buenos Aires Tango for quality tango lessons."
» Heather Blue - Texas, United States - 5/2007:
"While in Buenos Aires for a business trip, my husband and I took a lesson with Lidia and were exceptionally pleased with the results. We are experienced in West Coast Swing dancing, but had never danced tango before. Lidia's instruction was clear, concise, and easily understood. Her passion and extensive knowledge of the dance was evident, and her personality and patience made for an informative, fun,
and well rounded experience. I would not hesitate to recommend Lidia to other individuals seeking instruction for tango".
Comentarios sobre nuestras clases de los alumnos:
»Jane Yardley, London, England - 2004
Tango lessons with Lidia Ferrari were a truly delightful experience. Lidia has every quality that defines a good and effective teacher: knowledge, patience, clarity, skill and passionate enthusiasm. She is also a delightful individual in her own right. I recommend her studio to dancers at all stages, from absolute beginner to experienced dancers who want to polish their tango skills."
»Betty Yardley, Norfolk, England 2004
"I had a good grounding in ballroom dancing but had never danced tango. With Lidia's excellent teaching technique I was able to adapt quickly and master the basics with no stress - and a lot of fun."
»Bill & Bonnie Burns - Fresno, California USA - (september 2005)
During a recent visit to Buenos Aires, my wife and I too instruction from Lidia and were exceptionally pleased with the results. We helped us to resolve an on-going problem and then ensured that the correction became instinctive. We enjoy her practical approach and highly recommend her instruction to others!
»Derrick del Pilar, (Student of Arizona University). Tucson, Arizona, USA - 2006
In the group classes that I took with Lidia Ferrari, she was always very attentive to the needs of students, giving each of us different tips based on what we needed to improve. She made sure that everyone worked on the fundamentals of good tango--balance, posture, walk, and musicality--while also enjoying the dance. During private lessons, she gave carefully considered individual instruction that helped me improve my ability to improvise, connect with my dance partners, and express the music in creative ways. Lidia is an excellent teacher of social tango as it is danced in Buenos Aires.
» Derrick del Pilar: Nas aulas grupais que eu tinha com Lidia Ferrari, e la sempre dava muita atenção às necesidades dos alunos, e dava para cada um da gente conselhos diferentes, baseados nas coisa que tinhamos que melhorar. Asegurava que todos trabalhassemos o fundamental de um bom tango--balanço, postura, caminhata, e musicalidade--enquanto curtiamos da dança.Durante as aulas particulares, me dava instrução individual com muito esmero. Me ajudava muito em melhorar minhas habilidades de improvisação, conexão com a mulher no abraço, e expressão da música. Lidia é uma professora ótimo para aprender o tango social de Buenos Aires.
» Sonia Alvarado, Los Angeles, California - (26-12-2006)
I recently went to Buenos Aires on vacation and to learn tango. I researched dance instructors online prior to getting there and sent out a dozen e-mails inquiring about prices and availability. I picked Lidia because I liked her intuitiveness in her reply to my e-mail and her price was extremely reasonable. My two travel companions and I were very happy with my choice. She really took the time to teach us the proper form and balance which is a great foundation to start with (there are lots of people on the dance floor looking sloppy). She catered the classes to meet our needs and ability. She was also flexible with the schedule. We took classes every day and really enjoyed the experience. It was definitely one of the big highlights of the trip. By the end of our 10-day stay, we were feeling pretty good about our dancing. Not only is Lidia a good teacher, but she is a delightful person who we really enjoyed meeting and spending time with. Her assistants are also great and she made sure we always had someone to dance with in class. I highly recommend her.
» Kathleen Larkey - Vancouver, Canada - 2007
"Although just a beginner at learning tango, my private lessons with Lidia Ferrari helped me to really improve after only one week. She has a friendly personality and was very patient and encouraging.
I am looking forward to returning to Buenos Aires and more lessons with Lidia!"
» LK Barr - President, Barr Construction Inc. - Twain Harte, CA, Haapiti Moorea, Polynesie Francaise. 5/2007
"Lidia did an excellent job of giving me private tango lessons and helped me get the basics down quickly.
She understand the psychology of this splendid dance.
Her assistants were very good as well, in particular Lucia who seemed to dance like an angle.
I would recommend Buenos Aires Tango for quality tango lessons."
» Heather Blue - Texas, United States - 5/2007:
"While in Buenos Aires for a business trip, my husband and I took a lesson with Lidia and were exceptionally pleased with the results. We are experienced in West Coast Swing dancing, but had never danced tango before. Lidia's instruction was clear, concise, and easily understood. Her passion and extensive knowledge of the dance was evident, and her personality and patience made for an informative, fun,
and well rounded experience. I would not hesitate to recommend Lidia to other individuals seeking instruction for tango".
» Jeanne-Marie Osterman, New York City (2008) I feel so lucky to have found Lidia as a tango teacher while visiting Buenos Aires. She has such a clear way of explaining and showing what is truly important. No matter what your level, you can benefit from her precise technique. To this day, whenever I dance, before I approach my partner I remember the two little secrets she gave me. Everything else just flows from that. | |
» Divya from Bombay, India. (2008) Lidia: I was really lucky to find you on the net before I came to Buenos Aires. You answered all my queries in detail. You are a very good and sincere teacher and human being. I progressed really fast in my tango because you stressed so much on the fundamentals of posture, axis and distance. And of course practice. Also you took trouble to arrange a partner to dance with me in your class! I hope to return soon and learn more with you. Your classes were fun as well. |
» Michele Carron - Lyon, France - Juin 2011 (in Treviso, Italia)
Mon apprentissage du tango chez Lidia Ferrari:
Je suis française et enseignante en allemand . L’an dernier je suis venue à Treviso (Italie) pour suivre des cours de tango individuels avec Lidia et avoir des conseils pour remédier à mes difficultés dans la danse. Je dansais alors le tango depuis 2 ans .J’avais 3 objectifs :
- Je voulais prendre conscience de mon axe et de l’axe interne à la danse.
- Je désirais corriger ma posture et gagner en équilibre pour être bien dans l’abrazo.
- Je voulais mieux comprendre et être plus réceptive aux indications du partenaire.
Tout de suite apparurent d’autres difficultés liées à mon corps, à mes représentations et à mon mode de vie : Lidia prit donc tout ceci en compte pour me conduire petit à petit à une autonomie personnelle dont j’avais besoin. Voici quelques exemples :
La première chose que m’enseigna Lidia est la façon de marcher en avant et en arrière , de poser le pied sans jamais « tomber » et d’appuyer fort dans le sol : ceci me donna plus de confiance et j’ai pu acquérir plus d’équilibre.
La rigidité qui était présente dans mon corps était une difficulté récurrente ainsi que ma réticence pour aller dans le pas. Lidia, par sa mise en confiance, me permit de lâcher prise.
En ce qui concerne la posture elle m’a montré comment me placer devant mon partenaire
en respectant l’axe autour duquel nous réalisons les figures ,comment ouvrir mes épaules , comment améliorer le port de la tête : ceci m’aida à être plus présente dans la danse. J’ai également appris à voir et à corriger ma position par rapport à mon partenaire pendant la danse , ceci était important pour acquérir plus d’autonomie et de confort pendant la danse .
Bien sûr j’ai fait aussi régulièrement des exercices pour réaliser un joli boléo, de jolis 8 etc..
Mais le plus important c’est que j’ai pris conscience de la manière d’être dans la danse afin que mon partenaire puisse réaliser son projet .
Lidia a une manière d’enseigner qui me plait beaucoup, car elle est rigoureuse et exigente, mais aussi capable de beaucoup de patience et de mettre son élève en confiance. Elle a des objectifs simples mais déterminés.
J’ai un excellent souvenir des cours avec Lidia, de mon séjour chez elle et de sa manière d’être: simple, humaine et déterminée. A mon retour en France on a pu constater un changement dans ma façon de danser : une meilleure allure et plus d’énergie dans les pas.
» Michael Young, Florida (2013) During August 2013 I attended classes with Lidia at her Studio in Buenos Aires. We met twice a day for 4 weeks and concentrated on Tango Salon.
First Lidia corrected problems I had encountered from earlier teachers, We worked on posture, she then taught me to lead while polishing up walking and basic figures.
Lidia introduced me to Lucila who danced with me for practice, Lucila and her husband Marcello host their own Milonga on Sunday evenings.
My experience with Lidia was first class, she is insists on doing everything perfectly and pushed me hard to reach a good standard.
I was very pleased when I attended a live music Milonga with Lidia and she gave me an excellent report.
Following my visit to Lidia, I feel much more confident in my Tango dancing.
.........................................» Michael Young, Florida (2013) During August 2013 I attended classes with Lidia at her Studio in Buenos Aires. We met twice a day for 4 weeks and concentrated on Tango Salon.
First Lidia corrected problems I had encountered from earlier teachers, We worked on posture, she then taught me to lead while polishing up walking and basic figures.
Lidia introduced me to Lucila who danced with me for practice, Lucila and her husband Marcello host their own Milonga on Sunday evenings.
My experience with Lidia was first class, she is insists on doing everything perfectly and pushed me hard to reach a good standard.
I was very pleased when I attended a live music Milonga with Lidia and she gave me an excellent report.
Following my visit to Lidia, I feel much more confident in my Tango dancing.
» V.B. (Cremona) Luglio 2015
Carissima Lidia,
Dopo il corso
intensivo e le successive pratiche nelle milonghe estive, desidero confermarti
la validità della tua metodica d’insegnamento personalizzato.
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1 comentario:
During August 2013 I attended classes with Lidia at her apartment in Buenos Aires. We met twice a day for 4 weeks and concentrated on Tango Salon.
First Lidia corrected problems I had encountered from earlier teachers, We worked on posture, she then taught me to lead while polishing up walking and basic figures.
Lidia introduced me to Lucila who danced with me for practice, Lucila and her husband Marcello host their own Milonga on Sunday evenings.
My experience with Lidia was first class, she is insists on doing everything perfectly and pushed me hard to reach a good standard.
I was very pleased when I attended a live music Milonga with Lidia and she gave me an excellent report.
Following my visit to Lidia, I feel much more confident in my Tango dancing.
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